So its new year and this year I decided not to make any generic resolutions like go to the gym but to focus more on me. I want to be more focused on making sure I'm well and also feeling good about myself. Self care is something important and I feel I lacked doing that this year. I feel to be happy with someone you first must be happy alone and I am currently loving being single again.
My plans for 2020 also include working as hard as I can on my degree and my blog and channel. I want to be more consistent, but my degree will always come first, so my aim is to have a better balance.
New year, new me, what people always say at the beginning of the year but for me its new year same me, but trying to leave any toxic people and drama in 2019 because I'm 21 now and want to leave the childish behaviour behind.
Heres to the best 2020.

Chelsea xox